

我有编程软件的想法.我不知道除了C n C ++以外的任何编程语言.但是几个月前,我才有了创建软件的想法.因为我不知道,所以我在网站上搜索了很多东西,但是我没有任何信息.但我仍然非常渴望这样做.实际上,我的项目想法是提高Mac和Windows等操作系统的登录级别.我真的不知道如何开始这个.所以请帮帮我即使是一个字的信息也会引导我,我将非常感激.请帮助我,我已经搜索了6个月.

i having an idea of programming a software. i dunno any programming language except C n C++. but few months before i got a idea of creating a software. since i have no knowledge, i searched lot lot in websites, But i got no info. but still i am very eager to do that. actually my idea of project is to improve the level of log in OS like mac and windows. i really really dunno how to start this. so please help me out. even a single word info will lead me and i would be thankful. Please help me, i have been searching for 6 months.


我相信这一点是您要查找的信息 http://msdn. microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380543(v=vs.85).aspx [
I believe this is the inforamtion you are looking for http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa380543(v=vs.85).aspx[^] However, with "I dont have any knowledge in programming" as Richard has said you will have a very difficult time of it.