如何测试核心数据迁移已经在App Store中的应用程序?


我们目前在应用程式商店中有一个应用程式。它使用Core Data作为其持久性机制。我们有一个新版本,准备好了,它有一些架构的变化。具体来说,我们添加了一个新实体,并向现有实体添加了一个新属性。从我的理解和阅读,这是可能发生的最简单的迁移之一。没有字段删除,没有关系可以更改。数据模型由5个实体组成,没有任何关系。

We have an app that is currently in the app store. It uses Core Data as its persistence mechanism. We have a new version ready to go, and it has some schema changes. Specifically, we have added 1 new entity and added a new attribute to an existing entity. From my understanding and reading, this is one of the most simple migrations that can occur. There are no field deletions, and no relationships to change. The data model consists of 5 entities with no relationships at all.


We have versioned the data model, and created an .xcmappingmodel to handle the migration. We are handling the migration by adding the following options to the creation of the PersistentStoreCoordinator:

NSDictionary *options = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                     [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption, nil];


Currently, we have tested successfully with several members of the team using the following process:

  1. 从装置和iTunes中删除应用程式的所有测试版本

  2. 前往应用程式商店并下载

  3. 将新的二进制文件(使用相同的捆绑标识符签名)拖入到新的二进制文件中iTunes和同步

  4. 在设备上加载新版本,验证先前版本中所做的更改是否仍然存在,并确保应用程序不会崩溃

  1. Delete all test versions of the app from the device and from iTunes
  2. Go to the app store and download the current version
  3. Make some changes to the app that will prove the migration was successful
  4. Drag the new binary (signed with the same bundle identifier) into iTunes and sync
  5. Load the new version on the device, verify that the changes made in the previous version are still present, and that the app does not crash


My question is this: Is there an easier/better way to test this? Our concern is that once the app goes out the door, there is no other way to ensure our users have the best experience possible.

我已为我的应用使用 Core Data 大约7次,从旧模型迁移到新模型。

I've been using Core Data for my app and upgraded about 7 times, migrating from old models to new models.


Whenever, I am prepared to release the next version, I always test migration by using Model Mapping. As long as I made every entity and attribute of source model is matched against corresponding entity and attribute of destination model, I've experienced no problem.



In other words, your project bundle's target, which is going to be archived and submitted, is same as what's being downloaded by the customer.


I'm pretty confident this is the case, since I've done testing with different versions of my app with no problem.