如何获取链接以在 iOS Meteor 应用程序的本机浏览器中打开?


在使用 Meteor for iOS 构建的应用程序中,如何防止在应用程序内浏览器中打开外部链接?我希望它们改为在 Safari 中打开.

How do I prevent external links from opening in the in-app browser in apps built with Meteor for iOS? I want them to open in Safari instead.

您需要下载并安装 apache cordova 插件才能将此功能添加到您的meteor ios 应用程序中.

You'll need to download and install an apache cordova plugin to add this functionality into your meteor ios app.


Simply run this command into your terminal

meteor add cordova:cordova-plugin-inappbrowser@https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser/tarball/ba7cbe58d5812b51c3ece1

(这里是 tarball/ba7cbe58d5812b51c3ece1 的 ref)(使用最新的提交到主分支)

(here is a ref to the tarball/ba7cbe58d5812b51c3ece1) (use the latest commit to master branch)


Then simply add this into your meteor template to launch the system default browser app with the external link:

<a href="" onclick="window.open('http://www.example-url.com', '_system');">
Hope this helps!

运行:流星运行 ios-device

Run: meteor run ios-device


(select your trusty simulator and test her out)