cpu怎么知道内存中的数据是数据还是命令?(C 编程)


我希望数据从例如 0x100(内存位置)和之前的所有命令开始......但我真的不确定!感谢帮助!

I expect that that data begins at for example 0x100 (memory location) and everything before that it's commands... But I am really not sure! Thanks for help!

好的,详细说明我的问题:我将内存视为一个具有一个字节空间的长数组.该空间填充有十六进制数字.但是变量可以从例如 0x0000 - 0xffff 填充内存.但是你怎么知道例如 0x002f 是一个命令(例如 'mov')还是只是一个作为数据的数字?

okay, to detail my question: I see the memory as a long array with one byte space. The space is filled with hex numbers. But the variables can fill the memory from for example 0x0000 - 0xffff. But how do you know that for example 0x002f is a command (for example 'mov') or just a number as data?

CPU 不知道.一切都与约定有关.

The CPU doesn't know. It's all about conventions.


When you start your computer or embedded device it starts executing a bootloaer from a flash storage.


In turn, the bootloader loads startup code from persistent storage to memory and starts executing (typically the OS kernel) at the address where it loaded it.


In turn, the kernel will load additional modules and init code at known memory locations and execute from there.


At some point, memory virtualization is enabled, and executable files are loaded in memory and each is associated with a process and its address space. The executable header and OS conventions define code and data segments locations.


But the code segment may contain embedded data, and dynamically allocated memory may contain code, for instance in just-in-time compilers or malicious programs.


Ok to illustrate: imagine the address space of a running compiler...

[ code seg from .exe ] [ data seg from .exe ] [ dynamic alloc ]


The only difference between these memory regions is that [code] is Read+Execut, [data] is ReadOnly, [dynamic] is Read+Write, sometimes +Execute

  • [代码] 包含
    • 主要是机器指令
    • 但它可能包含即时数据,例如整数常量等
    • 诸如语言关键字的字符串、错误消息等.
    • 代码,因为你有机器指令字典,所以你可以生成代码
    • 运行时分配的数据结构,例如字符串、树等.
    • 运行时生成的代码,将写入编译器正在构建的 exe
    • 运行时生成的代码,将由 jit 执行以在编译时计算复杂表达式


    So you see, you can have data and code in any section. That's what makes computers powerful, see also the turing machines.