


I was wondering if there was a way to tell if an iPad is black or white via code? A simple Google search hasn't turned up anything.


The serial number on the iPhone gives you all this info, you just need to map the code for colour to the colour itself.

iPhone SN的典型格式如下:AABCCDDDEEF

Typical format of the iPhone SN is as follows: AABCCDDDEEF

AA = Factory and Machine ID
B = Year of Manufacturing (9 is 2009/2019, 0 is 2010/2020, 1 is 2011 and so on)
CC = Production Week (01 is week 1 of B, 11 is week 11 of B and so on)
DDD = Unique Identifier
EE = Color (A4=black)
F = size (S=16GB, T=32GB)


链接可能有助于获取S / N。

This link may be helpful for getting the S/N.