


I am working with the new ASP.NET Identity (RTM) and I was wondering how would I go on about changing registering and login from being a UserName to an Email.


The idea is that I want my users to sign up using their e-mail and a password (e-mail can also be acquired using external login) and they set-up a display name/username on top.


I've looked at IdentityUser and I can see that UserName is there, however since that is packed in ASP.Net Identity that can not be changed.


I know I could use 'UserName' as a e-mail, with a custom validator and then have an extra attribute for ApplicationUser called DisplayName but that is more of a hack than a solution.


I hope my question is clear. Thanks in advance.


If you really want to use e-mail address to log in, then, IMHO, the "hack" you suggested is the best approach. Because, if you insist on "doing it properly" you'll have to at least

  • 修改数据库模式,显然

  • 确保用户名的唯一性自己(你可以做一个数据库约束/索引你这样做,但你必须找到一个好办法来处理错误,并将其报告给用户)

  • 找到一个很好的替代品只是在你写作User.Identity.UserNamecode

  • 可能更加


On the other hand, if you decide to "hack" the UserName field you need to

  • 修改RegisterViewModel验证(添加[EmailAddress的]将UserName属性),可能稍微定制[显示(名称= ...)]等。

  • 使您的AccountController用于确保UserManager.UserValidator实例允许在电子邮件地址中使用特殊字符。要做到这一点,确保其非默认的构造函数如下:

  • modify RegisterViewModel validation (add [EmailAddress] to the UserName property), probably slightly customize [Display(Name=...)] etc.
  • make sure UserManager.UserValidator instance used in your AccountController allows special characters used in e-mail addresses. To do this, make sure its nondefault constructor looks like this:

public AccountController(UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager)
    UserManager = userManager;
    var userValidator = UserManager.UserValidator as UserValidator<ApplicationUser>;
    userValidator.AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false;


I hope this could help you weigh the pros and cons of both approaches and come up with the best solution. Good luck!