

广东话发挥瑞士法郎(Flash文件),从内部存储文件的Andr​​oid的WebView上安装软糖设备(如:-nexus7) 但我可以发挥瑞士法郎(Flash文件)在Android蜂窝设备... 此外,我想通了这一点,如软糖起的Andr​​oid不再支持Flash文件的插件 甚至土坯停止开发Android中是一样的。

Cant play .swf(flash files) files from internal storage in android webview on jellybean installed devices (for eg:-nexus7) but i can play .swf(flash files) on android honeycomb devices... Also i figured this out as jellybean onwards android stopped supporting flash files plugin and even adobe stopped developing for the same in android.


Here is some code snippets that i tried with no results----

wv = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webView1);
    String url =Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+"/FolderName/Filename.swf";
    wv.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());//also tried WebViewClient

只有一个小图标显示在web视图的中心。 [注意 - 我甚至尝试使用HTML文件来加载,但没有奏效]

only a small icon is shown at the centre of webview. [Note- i have even tried to load using html file but nothing worked]

我找到了一个可行的解决方案......不知道它是多么可行的,但这种解决方案对我的作品 按照此步骤。

I found a workable solution...dont know how feasible it is but this solution works for me follow this steps..

Step1->Download flash player apk from this

链接下载Flash Player的apk

Step2->After downloading go to settings--->security---->Check "Unkown sources option".

Step3->install the apk that you downloaded+

Now your webview code will work and .swf files can be played inside webview

[注下载apk文件的Adobe Flash为Android 4.0设备的集成电路及以上。

[note-download flashplayer apk for android 4.0 devices for ics and above].