TensorBoard 在执行时不做任何事情


每当我执行 TensorBoard 时,我都会得到:

Whenever I execute TensorBoard I just get:

Starting TensorBoard 54 at http://localhost:6006
(Press CTRL+C to quit)


and then nothing happens. Any advice on how to get the graph to show?


Sorry I meant to clarify that I copy and paste "http://localhost:6006" into my browser and "No scalar data was found" appears.

已修复:我没有输入正确的日志目录.对于以后遇到这个问题的任何人,不要像我一样假设 TensorBoard 会自动读取/tmp 目录.

FIXED: I was not typing the correct log directory. For anyone in the future who has this problem, don't be like me and assume that TensorBoard automatically reads through the /tmp directory.


One possible reason might be not giving the correct log directory, and at other times people often forget to write back summaries.