我如何使用缓存提高ASP.NET MVC 3网站性能?



I have a Website something like twitter who are update per 30 seconds or less. the website frontpage have three part:-


the leftside panel or right side part rarely to be updated but a section on rightside have random changes so i not need to cache them but everything in leftside or rightside i need to be in cache to improve performance.


the middle bar have changes in every few second when some new thing come to listed. so i thing that if i cache them then the user never get update so

当数据库中发生更改时,我如何使用缓存并删除所有缓存.在ASP.NET MVC中做到这一点的任何技巧

how i can use cache and remove all cache when changes happend in database. any trick to do that in ASP.NET MVC


the whole question i have for doing a common thing that :-

如果我使用缓存,那么用户永远不会在网站更新后立即获得更新,因此,每当数据库发生新情况时,我都需要销毁缓存.所以我怎么能在asp.net mvc中做到这一点

if i use cache then user never got update soon as website have so i need to destroy cache whenever new thing goes happened in databse. so how i can do this in asp.net mvc


You need to use the OutputCacheAttribute or something similar. This action filter "represents an attribute that is used to mark an action method whose output will be cached." When an action updates the database, the resulting view should be cached, because it is overwriting the previously cached data.