



step-1 =

在解决方案资源管理器中,右键单击要为其指定Web服务器的Web应用程序项目的名称,然后单击属性。 />



hello there..

actually the thing is that i was running my application locally on my asp.net development server,but now i want to run it in an application pool under iis server,but the problem i am facing is that,i checked the internet for how to execute my code under an app pool in iis server and i got these steps suggested..

In Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the Web application project for which you want to specify a Web server, and then click Properties.

but here whenever i right click on the project name and start looking for properties option,i dont find one...i only find properties window option and property pages option...

please can anyone help???


You need to first create the app pool in IIS if it does not exist. It is very easy to do. Open IIS and then expand App Pools and right-click to create one.

Then add your site under the web sites section and when you are adding your site it will ask which app pool you want to use.