

我在让蜻蜓宝石与乘客很好地玩耍时遇到了一些问题。 Passenger似乎没有使用当前的$ PATH,因此无法找到转换二进制文件。我已经为dragonfly添加了一些配置,这似乎解决了这个问题:

I was having some problems getting the dragonfly gem to play nicely with passenger. Passenger doesn't seem to use the current $PATH so it can't find the convert binary. I've added some configuration to dragonfly which seems to solve the issue:

require 'dragonfly/rails/images'

Dragonfly[:images].configure do |c|
  c.convert_command  = "/usr/local/bin/convert" # defaults to "convert"
  c.identify_command = "/usr/local/bin/convert" # defaults to "convert"


but the gem i'm working on is going to be used as an engine and it's going to be a real pain to have to manually set the location to the imagemagick utilities for each install if passenger is used, is there a better solution to automatically specify the location to convert if available?

嘿马里奥,尝试这样的事情。我一直用它来解决乘客+回形针+ rmagick的路径问题。

Hey mario, try something like this. I've been using it to resolve pathing problems with passenger+paperclip+rmagick.

path = `which convert`.strip.gsub('convert','').presence || "/usr/local/bin/"

当转换为isn时,它应返回/ usr / local / bin在路上或无法找到。

It should return /usr/local/bin when convert isn't in the path or unable to be found.