获取SQL Server数据工具与Visual Studio 2012前preSS候选发布工作


我与迁移到Visual Studio 2012前preSS版来处理项目,包括与.dbproj扩展数据库项目中挣扎。此博客http://visualstudiomagazine.com/blogs/data-driver/2012/06/getting-visual-studio-2012-and-ssdt-to-work-together.aspx给人的IM pression与一些工作,这是所有的基本管理。

I'm struggling with migrating to Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition to handle a project that includes a database project with a .dbproj extension. This blog http://visualstudiomagazine.com/blogs/data-driver/2012/06/getting-visual-studio-2012-and-ssdt-to-work-together.aspx gives the impression that with a bit of work this is all basically manageable.

首先,你必须将.dbproj转换为.sqlproj在Visual Studio 2010

First you have to convert the .dbproj to a .sqlproj in Visual Studio 2010.

我设法安装Visual Studio 2010。这让我的.dbproj转换为.sqlproj。从那里,这个想法是安装SQL Server数据工具(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/tool​​s.aspx)并打开在Visual Studio 2012年sqlproj项目,但我无法打开sqlproj在Visual Studio 2012。

I managed to install Visual Studio 2010. This allowed me to convert the .dbproj to a .sqlproj. From there the idea is to install Sql Server Data Tools (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/tools.aspx) and open the sqlproj project in Visual Studio 2012, but I was unable to open the sqlproj in Visual Studio 2012.

我试着在这里建议的修复http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ssdt/archive/2012/06/07/upgrade-issue-to-visual-studio-2012-rc.aspx而且有关修复这里的建议http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ssdt/thread/c66c2296-c94e-4f21-993e-7d3090a596a5,但无论我做什么,我不能创建或在Visual Studio防爆preSS 2012 RC的Web打开sqlproj类型的项目。有谁知道如何解决这个问题?

I've tried the suggested repair from here http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ssdt/archive/2012/06/07/upgrade-issue-to-visual-studio-2012-rc.aspx and also the advice about repairing here http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ssdt/thread/c66c2296-c94e-4f21-993e-7d3090a596a5, but no matter what I do I can't create or open a sqlproj type project in Visual Studio Express 2012 RC for Web. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

本FAQ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/hh322942.aspx明确指出,你必须与SQL Server数据库项目在Visual Studio 2010壳牌不是在Visual Studio 2010或2012年的Web工作。

UPDATE: This FAQ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/hh322942.aspx makes it clear that you have to work with an SQL Server Database Project in Visual Studio 2010 Shell not in Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 for Web.

我现在的问题是,我可以通过手动导入SQL脚本,并从那里创建一个全新的项目,但是当我打开.sqlproj文件,并尝试与SQL Server的项目,我得到了很多虚假的错误的工作从存储过程这实际上是完全有效的。

My problem now is that I can create a completely new project by importing SQL scripts manually and going from there, but when I open up the .sqlproj file and try to work with that SQL Server Project I get a lot of spurious errors from Stored Procedures which are in fact perfectly valid.


I got a clear answer from Microsoft here http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/ssdt/thread/c66c2296-c94e-4f21-993e-7d3090a596a5

有关网络不支持新的SQL Server数据工具Visual Studio的前preSS 2012。要使用一个数据库项目(从旧dbproj转换或从头开始创建一个新的项目)工作,你必须使用Visual Studio 2010的外壳。我从存储过程中得到的错误是造成的,因为SQL脚本没有正确导入。老dbproj曾在任意文件夹中的SQL脚本。解决的办法是排除从项目我刚刚从dbproj转换的所有SQL脚本,然后重新导入的SQL脚本。当你这样做,该项目识别它们并不会引发错误。

Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web does not support the new Sql Server Data Tools. To work with a database project (converting from the old dbproj or creating a new project from scratch), you have to use Visual Studio 2010 Shell. The errors I got from Stored Procedures were caused because the sql scripts were not properly imported. The old dbproj had the sql scripts in arbitrary folders. The solution was to exclude all sql scripts from the project I had just converted from a dbproj, then re-import the sql scripts. When you do that, the project recognises them and doesn't raise errors.