如何在 ReactNative 应用程序中使用 reCaptcha?


我发现以下库可在 RN 应用程序中使用 reCaptcha

I have found following lib for use reCaptcha in RN app



  import ReCaptcha from 'react-native-recaptcha';
  <View style={{ flex: 1}}>

但不显示重新验证码.我也尝试过在我的一个网站中使用的 sitekey,reCaptcha 正常工作 - 仍然没有.我错过了什么吗?

but no recaptcha is displayed. Also I have tried sitekey used in one of my websites where reCaptcha worked properly - still nothing. Do I miss something?


p.s. github of this lib not exists (

我认为 React Native 中不存在 reCaptcha 的库.所以你需要使用 wrapped webview,我知道它很慢并且可能包括你的要求,但我认为这只是解决方案.

I think there is no lib exist for reCaptcha in react native. So you need to use wrapped webview for it, I know it is slow and may include your requirment, but I think it is only solution.

请参阅React Native with reCATPCHAhttps://github.com/evenchange4/react-grecaptcha