如何在Android Studio 4.0中更改缩进线颜色?


我不知道此设置的名称是什么.展开方法,if,for等语句时,将显示(灰色)行(请参见所附图像).我想更改颜色,但无法在Android Studio 4.0设置菜单中找到该选项.有谁知道它叫什么以及如何改变它的颜色?谢谢

I don't know what the name of this setting is. It's the (grayish) line that appears when you unfold a method, if, for, etc.. statement (see attached image). I want to change the color but can't find the option in the Android Studio 4.0 settings menu. Does anyone know what's it called and how to change it's color? thanks

android studio 4.0中的情况已更改

Things have changed in android studio 4.0


In order to change the color of that indentation line do this

Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Color Scheme -> General 

然后在其中转到 Editor->指南


  • 缩进指南
  • 已选择缩进指南
