

我有存储在/data/data/com.sai.myproj/files/a.txt。这文件是我创建并写数据的文件,它存储在数据/数据​​/ com.sai.myproj /文件/ A.TXT其可以使用DDMS的文件资源管理器中查看。如何将这个文件从那里复制到res文件夹,因为我需要分析这个文件。搜索结果

I have a file stored in /data/data/com.sai.myproj/files/a.txt .This is the file I created and wrote data, it was stored in data/data/com.sai.myproj/files/a.txt which can be viewed using FileExplorer of DDMS. How to copy this file from there to res folder as I need to parse this file .

Can anyone help me in sorting out this issue.



AFAIK an installed application cannot write to its own res folder


If you want to copy something from a device into the res folder of your project sources, you can use the adb tool, either from the command line by programmatic usage of the command line as part of a script or .bat file or using the shell exec function of your chosen language on your chosen development platform


Make sure you have the SDK fully installed and that the adb executable is in your path or reference it by its full path name (ie, make sure 'adb shell' works)