


I'm having trouble getting grep to work properly in an if statement. In the following code segment, the if-check always comes up true (i.e. the word is not found), and the program prints NOT FOUND, even though the words are already in ~/.memory.

for (( i=0; i<${#aspellwords[*]}; i++)); do
if [ !$(grep -q "${aspellwords[$i]}" ~/.memory) ]; then
   printf "\nNOT FOUND\n"


However, when I test the following code in place of the previous segment:

for (( i=0; i<${#aspellwords[*]}; i++)); do
if grep -q "${aspellwords[$i]}" ~/.memory; then echo FOUND IT; fi


It works perfectly fine and finds the word without any issues.



A number of things are wrong with that first snippet.

您不想 [...] 如果你想测试返回code。丢弃这些。

You don't want [ ... ] if you want to test the return code. Drop those.

[] 不是如果语法的一部分(你可以从你的第二个片段见)。

[] is not part of the if syntax (as you can see from your second snippet).

[是一个外壳内置和二进制您的系统上。它只是一个返回code退出。 如果...;然后测试返回code ...

[ is a shell built-in and binary on your system. It just exits with a return code. if ...; then tests the return code of ....


$() is command substitution. It replaces itself with the output from the command that was run.

所以 [!$(grep的...)] 实际上是评估 [!output_from_grep] [文字] 是PTED为 [-n字] 这将是真实的,只要非空。鉴于是从来没有非空,将永远是正确的。

So [ !$(grep ...) ] is actually evaluating [ !output_from_grep ] and [ word ] is interpreted as [ -n word ] which will be true whenever word is non-empty. Given that ! is never non-empty that will always be true.

简单地说,在他的评论(斜位)由@thom所示,添加否定你的第二个片断与它的grep 。

Simply, as indicated by @thom in his comment (a bit obliquely), add the ! negation to your second snippet with a space between it and grep.