在 Unity 上使用 .NET 自己的 httpClient 类


我正在尝试从 Unity 执行 HTTP 删除请求,并且想到了使用 .Net 的 System.Web 命名空间中包含的 HttpRequest 类的想法

I'm trying to do a HTTP Delete request from Unity and bump into the idea of use the HttpRequest class included in the System.Web namespace of .Net


How can I achieve this, I supose that some sort of import of that namespace must be done, but how?


Hope some one can give me some orientation

HttpClient 仅在 4.5 NET 及更高版本中可用,Unity 不使用该版本.Unity 使用大约 3.5 .NET 版本.

HttpClient is only available in 4.5 NET and above and Unity does not use that version. Unity uses about 3.5 .NET version.

如果您使用的是 Unity 5.3,UnityWebRequest.Delete 可用于发出删除请求.它可以在 Experimental.Networking 命名空间中找到.如果您使用的是 Unity 5.4 及更高版本,UnityWebRequest 可以在 UnityEngine.Networking; 命名空间中找到.

If you are using Unity 5.3, UnityWebRequest.Delete can be used to make a Delete request. It can be found in the Experimental.Networking namespace. If you are using Unity 5.4 and above,UnityWebRequestcan be found in the UnityEngine.Networking; namespace.


IEnumerator makeRequest(string url)
    UnityWebRequest delReq = UnityWebRequest.Delete(url);
    yield return delReq.Send();

    if (delReq.isError)
        Debug.Log("Error: " + delReq.error);
        Debug.Log("Received " + delReq.downloadHandler.text);



确保包含 using UnityEngine.Networking.您可以在此处找到完整的示例.

Make sure to include using UnityEngine.Networking. You can find complete examples with it here.


Unity 现在支持 .NET 4.5,因此您现在可以根据需要使用 HttpClient.请参阅这篇帖子了解如何启用它.

Unity now supports .NET 4.5 so you can now use HttpClient if you wish. See this post for how to enable it.

启用后,转到 EditorDataMonoBleedingEdgelibmono4.5 或例如 C:Program FilesUnityEditorDataMonoBleedingEdgelibmono4.5 在我的电脑上.

After enabling it, Go to <UnityInstallationDirectory>EditorDataMonoBleedingEdgelibmono4.5 or for example, C:Program FilesUnityEditorDataMonoBleedingEdgelibmono4.5 on my computer.

进入此目录后,将 System.Net.Http.dll 复制到您的 Assets 目录,您应该可以使用 HttpClient 导入 System.Net.Http 命名空间后.如果还有其他关于缺少依赖项的错误,您也可以从该路径获取 dll,并将它们也复制到您的 <ProjectName>Assets 目录中.

Once in this directory, copy System.Net.Http.dll to your <ProjectName>Assets directory and you should be able to use HttpClient after importing the System.Net.Http namespace. If there are some other error about missing dependencies, you can get the dlls from this path too and copy them to your <ProjectName>Assets directory too.