C ++:在多集容器中使用自己的类



at first I'm new here and English isn't my native language so apologize for any grammatical failures but I find this community really nice so I will try to ask my question as precise as I can.


I want to add my own class object into a stl container multiset and want to sort it with my own overloaded less operator defined in my class. I really tried out several solutions but nothing really worked so I hope someone can give me some useful hints to solve it.


Here is my general idea of my class definition:

class object {
    int first;
    string second;

    object(int f, string s) {
         first = f;
         second = s;

    bool operator<(const object &comp) {
        return first < comp.first;


This was my first try and it didn't work so I also tried out to declare the overloaded operator as a friend method but it didn't work also.


Here is a short code extract from my main function:

includes ...
//code omitted
int main() {
    multiset<object*> mmset;

    mmset.insert(new object(10, "test"));
    mmset.insert(new object(11, "test"));

    return 0;


After a while I started to debugging my code and try to figure out where the problem is and I come across the following thing that have made me a bit suspicious.


template<class _Ty>
struct less : public binary_function<_Ty, _Ty, bool>
    {   // functor for operator<
    bool operator()(const _Ty& _Left, const _Ty& _Right) const
    {   // apply operator< to operands
          return (_Left < _Right);


I have set a breakpoint on this line and observed what the program is doing here and I don't know why, but it only compares the addresses from the two objects and return so always false. It never calls my overloaded less operator although the operator exists and the _Left and _Right variables contain the address to my object.


I would really appreciate it if someone could help me.




You are not storing objects in your multiset. You are storing object*s. These are pointers to objects. This means the set will order the pointers that you're inserting into it.


It seems like you really just want a multiset<object>:

multiset<object> mmset;
mmset.emplace(10, "test");
mmset.emplace(11, "test");


Now it will use < to compare the objects themselves.

如果您确实要存储指针,则需要为multiset提供一个自定义比较器.在C ++ 11中,您可以使用lambda轻松做到这一点:

If you really want to store pointers, you'll need to provide a custom comparator to the multiset. In C++11, you can do this easily with a lambda:

auto f = [](int* a, int* b) { return *a < *b; };
std::multiset<int*, decltype(f)> mmset(f);

在C ++ 11之前的版本中,您可以创建一个函数对象,该对象使用与此lambda函数相同的主体来实现operator().

Pre-C++11, you can create a function object that implements operator() with the same body as this lambda function.