5 MVC实体框架6执行存储过程

5 MVC实体框架6执行存储过程



I'm stuck. I have an existing application with an extremely large database and extensive library of stored procedures and functions. All I want to do is use a DbContext to execute a stored procedure and return a set of data or map to one of the entities in the context. Is that something magical I haven't discovered on the net somewhere? Someone, anyone, please help. Here's what I've got so far (and it doesn't return anything, the result is -1):

var contacts = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Contact_Search @LastName, @FirstName",
    new SqlParameter("@LastName", GetDataValue(args.LastName)),
    new SqlParameter("@FirstName", GetDataValue(args.FirstName)));


Executing that returns -1. I also tried something to the effect of this with no success:

DbRawSqlQuery<Contact> data = db.Database.SqlQuery<Contact>
                                   ("EXEC Contact_Search @LastName, @FirstName",


I understand that I could add an edmx and map to a stored procedure that way, but that is not the preferred method. Again, our database contains nearly 450 million records and a library of almost 3,000 stored procedures and functions. It would be a nightmare to maintain. Am I even starting in the right direction? Is Entity Framework the right choice?

哇,看来之后我放弃了,我莫名其妙地偶然发现了答案。我发现了一个 FANTASTIC帖子有关执行存储过程和阅读后,这是我的解决方案:

Wow, it seems right after I give up, I somehow stumble upon the answer. I found a FANTASTIC post about executing stored procedures and after reading up, this was my solution:

var contacts = db.Database.SqlQuery<Contact>("Contact_Search @LastName, @FirstName",

所以,非常感谢Anuraj他出色的帖子!我的解决方案的关键是首先使用类SqlQuery 而不是 ExecuteSqlCommand ,也执行该方法映射到我的实体模型(联系)。

So, many thanks to Anuraj for his excellent post! The key to my solution was to first use SqlQuery instead of ExecuteSqlCommand, and also to execute the method mapping to my entity model (Contact).