Visual Studio 2005安装向导-为所有用户创建桌面快捷方式


我正在使用设置向导项目来为Windows Forms应用程序创建一个msi安装程序。我已将其配置为安装桌面快捷方式,但不幸的是,它仅将快捷方式放在运行安装程序的用户的桌面上。有什么方法可以配置它以将快捷方式放置在所有用户的桌面上?

I'm using the setup wizard project to create an msi installer for a Windows Forms application. I've configured it to install a desktop shortcut, but unfortunately it only puts a shortcut on the desktop of user running the installer. Is there any way to configure it to put shortcuts on the desktops of all users?


  1. 创建一个新的自定义文件夹(为其命名,例如所有用户开始菜单)

  2. 将默认位置更改为[DesktopFolder](适用于[StartMenuFolder])(请参阅文档,有关开始菜单

  3. 将属性值设置为ALLUSERS

  1. Create a new custom folder (Give it a name like "All Users Start Menu")
  2. Change the default location to [DesktopFolder] (same applies to [StartMenuFolder]) (See documentation and for Start Menu)
  3. Set the Property value to ALLUSERS

应该这样做,将您的快捷方式放在新的自定义文件夹中。即使其余安装程序是为 Just Me安装的,这也允许您将其安装到所有用户文件夹中。

That should do it, put your shortcuts in the new custom folder. This will allow you to install into the "All Users" folder even though you are installing for "Just Me" for the rest of the installer.