

在XCode 4.6,iOS 6.1中,我们使用CoreTelephony获取IMEI,方法与使用CoreTelephony在iPhone上获取IMEI?问题,但在切换到iOS7和XCode 5后,它不再起作用了。

in XCode 4.6, iOS 6.1, we use CoreTelephony to obtain IMEI, the same way mentioned in get IMEI on iPhone with CoreTelephony? question, but after switching to iOS7 and XCode 5 it doesn't work anymore. My system considers IMEI as an unbreakable way to identify a cellphone and guarantee it is linked to a specific user, also other security issues depend on this identifier. With the new iOS the code is not working and we hadn't found a way to obtain it.

我的核心问题是:我有哪些选择?在iOS7 / XCode 5中获取IMEI?

My central question is: What options do I have to obtain IMEI in iOS7 / XCode 5?

- 我还能保证手机属于某个特定的人吗?身份在我的系统中非常重要,设备的所有权是必需的。
- 我们有什么其他选择来保证系统安全而不需要重写太多?

Variations are: - How else could I guarantee a cellphone belongs to a specific person? Identity is very important in my system and ownership of device is a requisite. - What other options do we have to keep secure the system without the need to rewrite too much?

除非找到了一个私有API解决方案 - 我们的组织正在推进将IMEI和phone#作为受保护的应用程序设置放入我们的企业应用程序中。

Unless there is a private API solution found - our organization is moving forward with placing the IMEI and phone# into our Enterprise Applications as a guarded Application Settings.

使用基于相机的iOS7条形码识别功能 - 甚至可以在初始配套和部署期间从电话盒扫描IMEI,而不是手动输入。

With the new camera based barcode recognition of iOS7 - the IMEI can even be scanned from the phone box during initial kitting and deployment rather than entered by hand.

我们还考虑跟踪链接到IMEI / Phone#的数据库等中的identifierForVendor UUID,但因为它可以改变,因为我们的历史数据都是基于IMEI的 - 没有'有意义的是将这一跟踪复杂性层添加到半无用的标识符中,该标识符不会追溯到像Phone / IMEI这样的通用有意义的跟踪机制。

We also considered tracking the identifierForVendor UUID in a database etc. linking to IMEI/Phone# but since it can change and since our historical data is all IMEI based - didn't make sense to add that layer of tracking complexity to a semi-useless identifier that doesn't trace back to a universal meaningful tracking mechanism like Phone/IMEI.