



i want to check whether my websites smtp is down or up using php . I tried to connect to port 25 on my server using fsockopen, then it returns true when there is smtp service running. Which is the best method to test whether smtp or ftp running using php script.

您正在讨论一个smtp服务器,所以您必须启用pear框架。我有一个链接 http://www.authsmtp.com/php-pear-mail/一个>可以帮助。

you are talking of a smtp server , so you must have the pear framework enabled. I had a link http://www.authsmtp.com/php-pear-mail/ which can be of help. or you can do this:

$f = fsockopen('smtp host', 25) ;
if ($f !== false) {
    $res = fread($f, 1024) ;
    if (strlen($res) > 0 && strpos($res, '220') === 0) {
        echo "Success!" ;
    else {
        echo "Error: " . $res ;
fclose($f) ;