


I'm interested in learning how to design/plan for web application development, in a multiple developer team scenario.


Assuming the role of "Project Manager/Lead":

  1. 成功的Web应用程序开发需要哪些文档"?
  2. 需要什么UML图,在什么程度上?
  3. 在设计/计划阶段,是否需要按照用例来分类每个类?
  4. 类图应该有多详细(深度和广度)?


If you have any helpful book/website recommendations, please share.

跟进(09年11月18日添加): 编码人员/开发人员在编码(即类的创建)及其各自的方法和过程中将用作指导的内容特性?

Follow-up (Added 11/18/09): What do coders/developers use as a guide during coding i.e. creation of classes, and their respective methods & properties?


If there isn't a complete (yet mutable) list of classes with their methods and properties, doesn't that ambiguity cause heavy reliance on each coders' knowledge/experience, resulting in deviations in code quality/usability/maintainability?

  1. 在所有情况下,您都必须拥有准确的要求的全面且最新的记录.这包括功能此处是有关敏捷需求文档的良好信息和讨论来源.
  2. 以我的经验,用例图已被证明很重要,组件图和部署图也很有用.类图和序列图也可能会有所帮助,但是在大多数情况下,我认为应该将它们用作基本的可变准则,而不是一成不变的开发要求.类和方法通常会发生变化(尤其是在使用TDD的情况下),并且如果您确实想要一个图,则最好在开发代码后对其进行更新,而不是费力地使代码适合这些图.
  3. 我不认为每个班级都需要绘制图表.我认为模型类图对于跟踪数据的位置很有用,偶尔一些控制器和视图类图也很有用.但是从我的大部分经验来看,需求和测试用例一直是类设计的主要方向,并且随着系统的发展和变化而重构.
  4. 在模型类中,我认为没有什么比通常需要的属性更多的了.如果您要对控制器类进行建模,通常明智的做法是同时包含主要属性和方法.
  1. In all cases you must have a comprehensive and up-to-date record of the exact requirements. This includes both functional and nonfunctional requirements. It can be a Word document, a spreadsheet, or a specialized requirements system. You just need something that allows you to keep track of all the requirements and how they changed over time. Here's a good source of info and discussion about Agile requirements docs.
  2. In my experience, use case diagrams have proved to be important, with component and deployment diagrams also being useful. Class and sequence diagrams can also be helpful, but in most cases I think those should be used more as basic mutable guidelines than immutable development requirements. Classes and methods are typically subject to change (especially if you're using TDD), and if you really want a diagram it's best to update it after code is developed rather that shoehorning your code to fit the diagrams.
  3. I don't think each and every class needs to be diagrammed. I think that model class diagrams can be useful to keep track of where data is located, and occasionally some controller and view class diagrams are useful too. But in most of my experiences, the requirements and test cases have been the main source of direction in how the classes are designed, and they're refactored as the system grows and changes.
  4. In model classes, I don't think anything more than the attributes are usually necessary. If you're modeling controller classes, it's usually wise to include both the major attributes and methods.