在IIS 7.5上运行ASP.NET Core时日志会去哪里?



I'm posting this and answering it, because this left me stumped for a very long time. I have the following line in my web.config:

<aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\XXX.Server.dll" stdoutLogEnabled="true" stdoutLogFile=".\logs\stdout" forwardWindowsAuthToken="false" />


So apparently, this should be logging to logs\stdout, but when I look, there's nothing there. I went on a wild goose chase, searching the whole disk for anything named 'log' (that returned too much) or 'stdout' (that returned nothing), and still couldn't figure it out.


You could probably check the Event Viewer on your machine -> Application to see if there are any errors logged, which could explain why your log files aren't being generated.


However, the most probable reason is that IIS doesn't have a permission to write to that log folder.

  1. 右键单击文件夹->安全性
  2. 确保IIS_IUSRS用户具有以下权限:读取和执行,列出,写入(默认情况下可能缺少写入)
  1. Right click on the folder -> Security
  2. Ensure that IIS_IUSRS user has the following permissions: read and execute, list, write (potentially write is missing by default)