其中IsolatedStorage位于使用IIS / ASP.Net当文件系统?


有关怎的,我使用IsolatedStorage与IIS 8.0在ASP.Net(集成模式W / .NET 4.5)。这实际上工程完全按照我期望。然而,这是非常方便的通过看它创建于你的文件系统中的文件进行调试独立存储。我无法找到这些文件。

For one reason or another, I'm using IsolatedStorage with ASP.Net under IIS 8.0(Integrated mode w/ .Net 4.5). This actually works exactly as I'd expect. However, it's very handy to debug isolated storage by looking at the files it creates on your filesystem. I can't find these files.

我的设置是为了让我有一个名为程序池 testpool的。它有约旦(我的本地用户帐户)的身份。该应用程序似乎与数据的持续存在和这样的正常工作。我只是无法找到它实际上是存储在文件系统上。

My setup is so that I have a AppPool named TestPool. It has an identity of Jordan (my local user account). The applications seems to work perfectly with data persisting and such. I just can't find where it's actually stored on the file system


Where is is Isolated Storage stored in the filesystem when using it from ASP.Net with IIS?


Apparently, IIS has some really weird behavior when you set the app pool identity to a user in the administrator group. If you're using a regular user, it'll be something like



When you're using an administrator as the identity though, it apparently bumps IIS up so that it thinks it's running as SYSTEM or some such. The path it uses for IsolatedStorage in this case is


虽然我没有测试它,我认为这可能会导致一些疯狂的行为:如果你有两个应用程序池设置为管理员帐户在同一台​​机器上,他们会看到两者的IsolatedStorage同一个实例,在那里倒是可望有所不同。无论哪种方式,虽然,IIS写入 C:\\ Windows \\ System32下足够可怕的,因为它是。我只是这样做便于调试,所以它不是一个巨大的东西为我操心至少

Although I've not tested it, I assume this could probably lead to some crazy behavior where if you had two app pools set as administrator accounts on the same machine, they'd both see the same instance of IsolatedStorage, where it'd be expected to be different. Either way though, IIS writing to C:\Windows\System32 is plenty scary as it is. I'm only doing this for ease of debugging, so it's not a huge thing for me to worry about at least