


I have three tables, machines holding vending machines, products holding all possible products, and machines_products which is the intersection of the two, giving how many of each product line is stocked in a particular machine. If a product is not stocked in a machine, there is no corresponding row in the third table.

DESCRIBE machines_products;
| Field      | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| machine_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       |
| product_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | 0       |       |
| quantity   | int(10) unsigned | NO   |     | 0       |       |


Each product has a category (think chocolate bars vs. drinks bottles) and a machine knows what category of products it can vend. I want a result table of all products for the category, with a quantity for a specific machine. I have got as far as this:

SELECT products.*, SUM(quantity) qty
FROM products
LEFT JOIN machines_products USING (product_id)
WHERE machine_id=m AND category_id=c
GROUP BY product_id;


The problem is that this filters out all rows where there is no quantity, whereas what I want is all rows from the left table, and NULL/0 in the qty column if there are no corresponding rows in the right-hand table.


BTW: this is not a homework question! I am 30 and sitting in my office :o)


Actually I figured out the answer a short while after posting. The trick is to avoid specifying either of the columns from the third table's primary key (i.e. machine_id and product_id) in the WHERE clause. By using an AND in the JOIN's ON condition, and specifying the machine ID there, I get the result I was looking for.

SELECT products.*, quantity
FROM products
LEFT JOIN machines_products
  ON products.product_id=machines_products.product_id
  AND machine_id=m
WHERE category_id=c


The COALESCE() function suggested by Brendan was not necessary in my case, since I check the value with PHP's empty() function, so NULL is fine.

事实证明,从来没有需要发布问题时一直在玩的GROUP BY.

As it turns out, there was never a need for GROUP BY, which I had been playing with when posting the question.