

我想在我的位子是打算把3个元素从我的模型中,每个一行。所以我要做到这一点的方式是通过模型环路和foreach循环里面做我已成立了一个计数变量的检查。如果数MOD 3 == 0我会做类似< / TR>< TR> 来开始新的一行。这不是工作,我希望它因为我会的方式} < TR> 。所以基本上我的问题是,我将如何创建基于在每排有3个项目模型中的元素剃刀视图内动态表?

I want have a table in my view that is going to put 3 elements from my Model in each row. So the way I was going to do this is to loop through the model and inside of the foreach loop do a check on a count variable I have set up. If count mod 3 == 0 I would do something like </tr><tr> to start a new row. This isn't working the way I want it to because I would have a } following the <tr>. So basically my question is, how would I create a dynamic table inside of a razor view based on the elements in the model where each row has 3 items?

int count = 0;
@foreach (var drawing in Model)
   <td style="width:240px;margin-left:30px; margin-right:30px;">
   <img src="@Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = drawing.drw_ID })" alt="drawing" /> 


Maybe there is a much easier way of doing this that I am not thinking of

如何使用两个循环 - 这会让你的文件进行设置更加精美,让更多的可读性。此外,它需要照顾如果行数是不能被3除尽出现的问题:

How about using two loops - this will make your document be setup much more nicely and make it a bit more readable. Also, it takes care of the problems that occur if the number of rows is not divisible by three:

@for(int i = 0; i <= (Model.Count - 1) / 3; ++i) {
 for(int j = 0; j < 3 && i + j < Model.Count; ++j) {
  <td style="width:240px;margin-left:30px; margin-right:30px;">
   <img src="@Url.Action("GetImage", "Home", new { id = Model[i + j].drw_ID })" alt="drawing" /> 
