


I’m trying to change the Status Bar colour mid-run, i.e. not when a controller is loaded. I change the view’s background colour, so I need to change it from the black to white and vice versa.

我知道我可以使用 preferredStatusBarStyle 和plist中的设置,但据我所知,它只会在首次启动视图控制器时设置它。我想改变它,例如,当我按下按钮时。

I know that I can change it using preferredStatusBarStyle and the setting in the plist, but as far as I can see that’ll only set it on first launching the view controller. I’d like to change it, for instance, when I hit a button.


  • 转到您的应用程序Plist并将其添加为新行&将其设置为NO。

    • Go to your application Plist and add this as new row & set it as NO.

      View controller-based status bar appearance  NO

  • 添加bool以确定 UIStatusBar 颜色的状态&安培;添加一个Toggle方法

    Add a bool to determine state of UIStatusBar colour & add a Toggle method

@property(nonatomic) BOOL black;


    if(black) {
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent animated:YES];
        black = NO;

    }else {
        [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleDefault animated:YES];
        black = YES;


here is a Sample ScreenShot

  • 当菜单关闭时,颜色为白色。

  • When Menu is Closed, the colour is White.


When Menu is Open The colour is Black
