错误:无法打开项目,因为无法创建Visual C#2015编译器.请重新安装Visual Studio.



When attempting to create new project I am receiving the above error. I have attempted to re-install and repair with no success so far. No errors were received upon install so I am not sure what could be hindering my project creation progress?




The others who met the similar issue with you and reported it here: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/146fbb05-ab92-4a31-a29e-ed85599e12b7/visual-c-2015-rc-compiler-could-not-be-created?forum=vssetup

我卸载了Visual Studio,然后从AppData中手动删除了所有相关的注册表项和文件.然后,我下载了ISO文件并验证了哈希.现在,我只是使用该ISO进行安装,它似乎可以正常工作 现在.

I uninstalled the Visual Studio and then manually removed all related registry keys and files from AppData. Then I downloaded the ISO file and verified the Hash. Now I just installed it using that ISO and it seem to work fine now.

您可以从以下位置获取Visual Studio 2015的ISO文件 此处.

you could get ISO file of visual studio 2015 from here.

要验证ISO文件的完整性,请使用 在这里,任何差异都表示ISO已损坏.

To verify the integrity of the ISO file, please use the FCIV.exe tool to check the SHA1 value of the ISO, the expected value comes from here, any discrepancy means the ISO is corrupted.

确保ISO正常后,您可以安装Visual Studio.

