

我需要更改 sharepoint 2007 中网站集中每个网站的网站图标.我已经知道您可以从网站设置"->外观"进行更改.有没有办法以编程方式执行此操作?

I am needing to change the site icon for every site in a site collection in sharepoint 2007. I already know you can change it from Site Settings -> Look and Feel. Is there a way to do this programmatically?

您是说站点徽标吗?查看 SPWeb.SiteLogoUrl 属性.您可能希望将其设置为:

Do you mean the site logo? Check out SPWeb.SiteLogoUrl property. You probably want to set it as:

site.RootWeb.SiteLogoUrl = pictureUrl;