从URL中删除'code'参数 - Facebook连接PHP


如何在登录之后删除我网站的URL中的?code = [...] 参数?我正在使用Facebook PHP SDK。

How can I remove the ?code=[...] parameter that is in my website's URL after logging in ? I am using the Facebook PHP SDK.

在oauth 2.0登录流程中需要代码参数。它是登录协议的一部分。

The code parameter is required in the oauth 2.0 log in flow. It is part of the login protocol.


It appears that you already successfully employ that protocol, so I don't need to tell you about that.


However to answer your question. After the url with the parameter has been called by the client and you performed the log in (set session variable, cookie etc., just issue a header redirect.

您已标记您的问题为 php ,所以这将像

You flagged your question as php so this would be something like

header("Location: /where-you-want-your-client');


If you have the login flow implemented in javascript you can do that with:

window.location.href = "http://yoursite.com/where-you-want-your-client";
