


Of course I realize that there's no one "right way" to design a SQL database, but I wanted to get some opinions on what is better or worse in my particular scenario.

目前,我正在设计一个订单输入模块(Windows .NET 4.0应用程序与SQL Server 2008),而在两个设计决策之间,当涉及到可以应用于多个位置的数据时,我就被撕毁了。在这个问题中,我将具体参考地址。

Currently, I'm designing an order entry module (Windows .NET 4.0 application with SQL Server 2008) and I'm torn between two design decisions when it comes to data that can be applied in more than one spot. In this question I'll refer specifically to Addresses.

地址可以被各种对象(订单,客户,员工,出货等)使用,而他们几乎总是包含相同的数据(地址1/2/3,城市,州,邮政编码,国家等)。我最初将这些字段中的每一个作为每个相关表格中的列(例如Orders将包含Address1 / 2/3,City,State等),并且客户还将包含相同的列布局)。但是,我的一部分想要将DRY / Normalization原则应用于这种情况,即有一个名为Addresses的表,通过外键引用到适当的表格中。

Addresses can be used by a variety of objects (orders, customers, employees, shipments, etc..) and they almost always contain the same data (Address1/2/3, City, State, Postal Code, Country, etc). I was originally going to include each of these fields as a column in each of the related tables (e.g. Orders will contain Address1/2/3, City, State, etc.. and Customers will also contain this same column layout). But a part of me wants to apply DRY/Normalization principles to this scenario, i.e. have a table called "Addresses" which is referenced via Foreign Key in the appropriate table.

            CREATE TABLE DB.dbo.Addresses
                Id          INT
                            NOT NULL
                            IDENTITY(1, 1)
                            PRIMARY KEY
                            CHECK (Id > 0),

                Address1    VARCHAR(120)
                            NOT NULL,

                Address2    VARCHAR(120),

                Address3    VARCHAR(120),

                City        VARCHAR(100)
                            NOT NULL,

                State       CHAR(2)
                            NOT NULL,

                Country     CHAR(2)
                            NOT NULL,

                PostalCode  VARCHAR(16)
                            NOT NULL

            CREATE TABLE DB.dbo.Orders
                Id          INT
                            NOT NULL
                            IDENTITY(1000, 1)
                            PRIMARY KEY
                            CHECK (Id > 1000),

                Address     INT
                            CONSTRAINT fk_Orders_Address
                            FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Addresses(Id)
                            CHECK (Address > 0)
                            NOT NULL,

                -- other columns....

            CREATE TABLE DB.dbo.Customers
                Id          INT
                            NOT NULL
                            IDENTITY(1000, 1)
                            PRIMARY KEY
                            CHECK (Id > 1000),

                Address     INT
                            CONSTRAINT fk_Customers_Address
                            FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Addresses(Id)
                            CHECK (Address > 0)
                            NOT NULL,

                -- other columns....


From a design standpoint I like this approach because it creates a standard address format that is easily changeable, i.e. if I ever needed to add Address4 I would just add it in one place rather than to every table. However, I can see the number of JOINs required to build queries might get a little insane.


I guess I'm just wondering if any enterprise-level SQL architects out there have ever used this approach successfully, or if the number of JOINs that this creates would create a performance issue?


You're on the right track by breaking address out into its own table. I'd add a couple of additional suggestions.

  1. 考虑将FK地址从客户/订单表中创建,并创建连接表代替。换句话说,将客户/地址和订单/地址视为设计中的多对多关系,以便将来可以轻松支持多个地址。是的,这意味着引入更多的表格和联接,但是您获得的灵活性是非常值得的。

  1. Consider taking the Address FK columns out of the Customers/Orders tables and creating junction tables instead. In other words, treat Customers/Addresses and Orders/Addresses as many-to-many relationships in your design now so you can easily support multiple addresses in the future. Yes, this means introducing more tables and joins, but the flexibility you gain is well worth the effort.


Consider creating lookup tables for city, state and country entities. The city/state/country columns of the address table then consist of FKs pointing to these lookup tables. This allows you to guarantee consistent spellings across all addresses and gives you a place to store additional metadata (e.g., city population) if needed in the future.