Sharepoint Designer可以从Sharepoint Server连接到SQL数据库,但无法从工作站连接到SQL Server


尝试在Sharepoint Designer中添加外部内容类型时,我的工作站上出现以下错误"业务数据连接元数据存储当前不可用"。如果在我的Sharepoint 2013 on prem Server上做同样的事情我就不会收到错误。


When trying to add an external content type in Sharepoint Designer I get the following error on my workstation "Business Data Connectivity Metadata Store is currently unavailable". If do the same on my Sharepoint 2013 on prem Server I do not get the error.
Can anyone help me?


Hi xserik,

确保您在SharePoint Designer中登录的帐户具有以下权限:业务数据连接服务和托管元数据服务。

Make sure the account you sign in SharePoint Designer has permission to Business Data Connectivity Service and Managed Metadata Service.


Or not use local computer accounts for your SharePoint service accounts.


If the issue exists, you can check the ULS log to get more information. Check the log based on the time that during you get the error.
