


I have configured my mail.php config file to send emails using the gmail account. Everything looks great, but when I try to send email from another account (not the address used in the mail.php config file) I get an email from the address set on the configuration file.

Mail::send('emails.contact_mail', array(
            'email' => $fromEmail,
            'name' => $user,
            'subject' => $subject,
            'message' => $message_content,
                ), function($message)use ($fromEmail,$user,$subject) {

                    $message->from('test@gmail.com', $user);


似乎来自 $ message-> 的行不通.我在 s111@gmail.com 上收到的电子邮件来自 mail.php 文件中设置的地址,而不是来自 test@gmail.com .有什么解决办法吗?如何更改来自地址?

It seems like the $message->from doesn't work. I get on the s111@gmail.com an email from the address set in mail.php file and not from test@gmail.com. Is there any solution? How to change the from address?

您仍将使用配置文件中设置的SMTP服务器.从理论上讲,可以设置另一个发件人"标头,但是除非您设置了已添加到Google帐户中的地址,否则GMail SMTP会忽略它.

You will still use the SMTP servers set in your config file. Setting another 'from' header is theoretically possible, but the GMail SMTP will ignore it unless you set an address that has been added to your Google account.


Solution: either don't use another 'from' address, or add that address to your Google account.