报告服务 (ssrs) 提示用户名/密码


我正在使用 Reporting Services 2010 并在尝试访问报告时收到以下提示:

I am using reporting services 2010 and get the following prompt when trying to access the reports:


In the reports definition, I have specified the database username/password.



There are actually two logins you deal with when it comes to reporting services.

  1. 登录数据库是为了抓数据,它有与实际报告本身无关.您使用的登录名是作为用于拉取的用户/凭据发送到数据库报告数据.

  1. The login to the database is to capture the data, it has nothing to do with the actual report itself. That login you used is sent to the database as the user / credentials being used to pull the report data.


This prompt you have a screen shot of, is the authentication to the report server, by default rs uses windows authentication so enter your domain\username with password.


If you do not like this default behavior you can change it, this guide should get you started: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc281253.aspx
