C#SQL LINQ查询和验证方法不起作用





I know this must sound really simple to some and I apologise for that but I am new to C# and LINQ.

I am trying to write a method which searches whether an ID which is represented as an INT in my database exists. I have written a method to handle errors and the purpose of the code I have written is to stop the insert statement if the unique ID is present, instead of trying to insert it and failing. The error handing works but is not working for this one function which is very frustrating.

I have done some research on the Internet and have tried several methods to solve my problem by so far nothing has worked. I wrote two methods which I believe to be alright but it is still not doing what I want it to do. The methods I have tried are below. If anyone can put me on the right track I would be very grateful!

int EmployeeIDCatched = int.Parse(EmployeeIDTextBox.Text);

var Database = new DataSet();

// The first method I tried

bool Query1 = Database.Employee.Any(Employee => Employee.EmployeeID == EmployeeIDCatched);

if (Query1 == true)
ErrorList.Add("The unique ID is taken");
Valid = false;

// The second method I tried

var Query2 = from Employee in Database.Employee
             where (Employee.EmployeeID == EmployeeIDCatched)
             select Employee.EmployeeID;

if (Query2.Count() > 0)
ErrorList.Add("The unique ID is taken");
Valid = false;


I have called my Dataset Database. I have a table called Employee and am searching a field inside the table which is called EmployeeID. Both the value I am pulling from the text box and searching for in the database are integers.


Try this:

int Query2 = (from Employee in Database.Employee
             where Employee.EmployeeID == EmployeeIDCatched
             select (Employee.EmployeeID)).Count();

if (Query2 > 0)
ErrorList.Add("The unique ID is taken");
Valid = false;


Hopefully will work.


Try this:

int Query2 = (from Employee in Database.Employee
             where Employee.EmployeeID == EmployeeIDCatched
             select new{Employee.EmployeeID}).Count();

if (Query2 > 0)
ErrorList.Add("The unique ID is taken");
Valid = false;