使用纬度和经度时收到 403 禁止错误:地理编码



Our site has the option to insert your postcode in, which in turn works with geocoding to work out the latitude and longitude.

此代码已多年未更改,但今天,如果用户尝试插入邮政编码或从昨天或在错误远程服务器返回错误:(403) 禁止"之前更新它.弹出.

This code has not been changed for years but today if the user trys to insert a postcode or update it from yesterday or before the error 'The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.' pops up.

请求还没有超过 2,500,所以我看不到谷歌因此阻止了我们..

The requests have not shot past 2,500 so I cant see Google blocking us because of that..


第 2 版地理编码 API 已于 9 月 9 日宣布关闭...

The version 2 Geocoding API was turned off September 9th as announced...

将您的地理编码 API 应用程序升级到 v3

地理编码 API 的第 2 版(v2")已于 2010 年 3 月 8 日正式弃用,并且现在已被拒绝.自 2013 年 9 月 9 日起,v2 API 将不再有效.

Version 2 ("v2") of the Geocoding API was officially deprecated on 8 March 2010 and has now been turned down. As of 9 September 2013 the v2 API will no longer work.