

我想在 Google 地图中显示地址的位置.

I want to show the location of an address in Google Maps.

如何使用 Google Maps API 获取地址的纬度和经度?

How do I get the latitude and longitude of an address using the Google Maps API?

public GeoPoint getLocationFromAddress(String strAddress){

Geocoder coder = new Geocoder(this);
List<Address> address;
GeoPoint p1 = null;

try {
    address = coder.getFromLocationName(strAddress,5);
    if (address==null) {
       return null;
    Address location=address.get(0);

    p1 = new GeoPoint((double) (location.getLatitude() * 1E6),
                      (double) (location.getLongitude() * 1E6));

    return p1;

strAddress 是一个包含地址的字符串.address 变量保存转换后的地址.

strAddress is a string containing the address. The address variable holds the converted addresses.