

我一直试图弄清楚如何从geocoder块中获取或返回值,以及如何在另一个function中使用该值.我不断收到variable is not defined错误

I've been trying to figure out how I can fetch or return the value from geocoder block and use the value in another function. I keep getting an variable is not defined error

geocoder = new L.Control.Geocoder.Nominatim();
var location = $('.location').text();

geocoder.geocode(location, function(results) {    
        var latLng = new L.LatLng(results[0].center.lat, results[0].center.lng);
        var marker = new L.Marker (latLng);
        // console.log(Object.values(latLng));   

        var geocodeLocation = Object.values(latLng);
function loc() {


    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.5.1/dist/leaflet.js"
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/perliedman-leaflet-control-geocoder/1.9.0/Control.Geocoder.js"></script>
      <span class="location">Philippines</span>


As said in my comment, if you declare geocodeLocation globally and the function geocoder.geocode is asynchronous, then there’s no guarantee that the variable will be set when you’ll use it. The only way I can think of to solve this (that is, using geocodeLocation elsewhere) is using Promises. This way you can actually return geocodeLocation.

关于异步执行如何工作的快速说明. (不用担心,我也曾经问过如何从异步调用中返回).

A quick explanation about how asynchronous execution works. (Don't worry I also used to ask how to return from an asynchronous call).




and function1() is asynchronous. What that means is that function2() won't wait that function1() ends to start running. But Geocoder.geocode's callback (the function you pass to it) will be called only when it finishes its asynchronous operation. But function2() will have already been called..


But there is way to return a value(using async/await), something along these lines:

function geocode(location, func) { //that's the geocoder.geocode
  //calculate coordinates with location
  var results = { coordinates: { lat: '37.423021', long: '-122.083739' } }
async function fetchGeocodeLocation(location) {

  var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //wrap your geocoder.geocode function in a Promise
    geocode(location, function(results) { 
      //var latLng = new L.LatLng(results[0].center.lat, results[0].center.lng);
    //var marker = new L.Marker (latLng);
    // console.log(Object.values(latLng));   

    //var geocodeLocation = Object.values(latLng);  


  var geoCodeLocation = await promise;
  return geoCodeLocation;

fetchGeocodeLocation("somewhere").then(geoCodeLocation => console.log("geoCodeLocation", geoCodeLocation))


Or, say your loc() function is asynchronous, then like so

function geocode(location, func) {
  //calculate coordinates with location
  var results = { coordinates: { lat: '37.423021', long: '-122.083739' } }
function fetchGeocodeLocation(location) {

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { //wrap your geocoder.geocode function in a Promise
    geocode(location, function(results) { 
      //var latLng = new L.LatLng(results[0].center.lat, results[0].center.lng);
    //var marker = new L.Marker (latLng);
    // console.log(Object.values(latLng));   

    //var geocodeLocation = Object.values(latLng);  


async function loc() {
  var location = "somewhere";
  var geoCodeLocation = await fetchGeocodeLocation(location);
  console.log("geoCodeLocation", geoCodeLocation)


最后,简要介绍 async/await .



It waits that the promise resolves before executing anything that comes after the await line. Without await, anything that comes after it will be executed before the promise resolves. You will get a promise in pending state.



The line with await might take 30 seconds to execute and your browser will freeze (that's also why ajax calls are asynchronous). The browser will ask you if you want to terminate that script that's freezing the browser (someone been doing something bad). So the async says the function is asynchronous, anything that comes after the function call won't wait that it finishes before starting. However, the await makes sure that anything that comes after it won't be executed before the promise resolves.