



Update- Thanks for all the responses. This Q is getting kind of messy, so I started a sequel if anyone's interested.


I was throwing together a quick script for a friend and stumbled across a really simple way of doing templating in PHP.


Basically, the idea is to parse the html document as a heredoc string, so variables inside of it will be expanded by PHP.


A passthrough function allows for expression evaluation and function and static method calls within the string:

function passthrough($s){return $s;}


The code to parse the document inside a heredoc string is ridiculously simple:

echo $r;


The only problem is, it uses eval.

  • 谁能想到一种无需使用eval却不添加解析器或大量正则表达式疯狂的模板制作方法?

  • Can anyone think of a way to do this sort of templating without using eval, but without adding a parser or a ton of regex madness?


Any suggestions for escaping stray dollar signs that don't belong to PHP variables without writing a full-on parser? Does the stray dollar sign problem render this approach not viable for 'serious' use?


Here's some sample templated HTML code.

<script>var _lang = {$_(json_encode($lang))};</script>
<script src='/blah.js'></script>
<link href='/blah.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet'>

<form class="inquiry" method="post" action="process.php" onsubmit="return validate(this)">

  <div class="filter">
    <a href='#{$lang['T_FILTER_ALL']}' onclick='applyFilter();'>

  <table class="inventory" id="inventory_table">
    <tr class="static"><th colspan="{$_($cols+1)}">
    <tr class="static">
      <td id="validation" class="send" colspan="{$cols}">&nbsp;</td>
      <td colspan="1" class="send"><input type="submit" value="{$lang['T_SEND']}" /></td>




Why use templating?

There's been some discussion of whether creating a templating layer is necessary in PHP, which, admittedly, is already pretty good at templating.


Some quick reasons templating is useful:

  • 您可以控制它


If you preprocess the file before it goes to the interpreter, you have more control over it. You can inject stuff, lock down permissions, scrape for malicious php / javascript, cache it, run it through an xsl template, whatever.



Templating promotes separation of view from model and controller.

在视图中跳入和跳出<?php ?>标签时,很容易变得懒惰并执行一些数据库查询或执行一些其他服务器操作.使用上述方法,每个块"只能使用一个语句(不能使用分号),因此要陷入该陷阱要困难得多. <?= ... ?>具有几乎相同的好处,但是...

When jumping in and out of <?php ?> tags in your view, it's easy to get lazy and do some database queries or perform some other server action. Using a method like the above, only one statement may be used per 'block' (no semicolons), so it's much more difficult to get caught in that trap. <?= ... ?> have pretty much the same benefit, but...



...and we want our app to run on various configurations.


When I initially hack a concept together it starts out as one php file. But before it grows I'm not happy unless all php files have only one <?php at the beginning, and one ?> at the end, and preferably all are classes except stuff like the controller, settings, image server, etc.


I don't want much PHP in my views at all, because designers become confused when dreamweaver or whatever poops the bed when it sees something like this:

<a href="<?php $img="$img_server/$row['pic'].png"; echo $img; ?>">
  <img src="<?php echo $img; ?>" /></a>


This is hard enough for a programmer to look at. The average graphic designer won't go anywhere near it. Something like this is a much easier to cope with:

<a href="{$img}"><img src="{$img}" /></a>


The programmer kept his nasty code out of the html, and now the designer can work his design magic. Yay!

考虑到每个人的建议,我认为对文件进行预处理是必须的方法,并且中间文件应尽可能接近常规的"php模板",并且模板应使用语法糖.当我玩的时候,Eval仍然存在. Heredoc东西已经改变了它的角色.我待会儿会写更多,并尝试回答一些答案,但是现在...

Taking everyone's advice into consideration, I think preprocessing the files is the way to go, and the intermediate files should be as close as normal "php templating" as possible, with the templates being syntactic sugar. Eval still in place for now while I play with it. The heredoc thing has sort of changed its role. I'll write more later and try to respond to some of the answers, but for now...


class HereTemplate {

  static $loops;

  public function __construct () {

  public function passthrough ($v) { return $v; }

  public function parse_markup ($markup, $no_escape=null, $vars=array()) {
    if (!$no_escape) $markup=preg_replace(
        '#{{#', '#}}#',
        '#{_#', '#_}#',
        "<?php foreach (\\1 as \\2=>\\3) { ?>", 
        "<?php foreach (\\1 as \\2) { ?>", 
        "<?php } ?>",
        "<?php echo <<<$eot\n{\$this->passthrough(", ")}\n$eot\n ?>",
        "<?php ", " ?>",
    eval(" ?>$markup<?php ");
    echo $markup;
    return ob_get_clean();

  public function parse_file ($file) {
    // include $file;
    return $this->parse_markup(file_get_contents($file));


// test stuff

$ht = new HereTemplate();
echo $ht->parse_file($argv[1]);




{{each $_SERVER $key $value}

<div id="{{$key}}">






PHP was itself originally intended as a templating language (ie a simple method of allowing you to embed code inside HTML).

从您自己的示例中可以看到,它太复杂了,以至于无法证明在大多数情况下以这种方式使用它是合理的,因此良好实践将其从传统的语言转移到了将其更多地用作传统语言,并且仅打破了<?php ?>标记尽可能少.

As you see from your own examples, it got too complicated to justify being used in this way most of the time, so good practice moved away from that to using it more as a traditional language, and only breaking out of the <?php ?> tags as little as possible.


The trouble was that people still wanted a templating language, so platforms like Smarty were invented. But if you look at them now, Smarty supports stuff like its own variables and foreach loops... and before long, Smarty templates start to have the same issues as PHP templates used to have; you may as well just have used native PHP in the first place.


What I'm trying to say here is that the ideals of a simple templating language aren't actually that easy to get right. It's virtually impossible to make it both simple enough not to scare off the designers and at the same time give it enough flexibility to actually do what you need it to do.