



见下文 - 我非常怀疑建议的解决方案是否有效,但它是显示我想要做的最简单的方法。


I am an embedded software developer (for microcontrollers) with limited web development experience.

I am writing a simple webservice with a webform to take data received by a webmethod and display it on a web form (as part of a tech demo).

See below - I highly doubt the proposed solution is valid, but it is the easiest way of showing what I am trying to do.

public string UploadData(string Password, string Serial, string ConnectionReason, string ResetReason)
     txtPassword.Text = Password;
     txtSerial.Text = Serial;

     return txtResponse.text



Similarly, I would like the HTTP response to the webmethod to return the value of some textboxes back to the Client.

What is the most straightforward way of implementing this?

只需使用jQuery Ajax即可轻松实现: -


Simply you can accomplish this using jQuery Ajax very easily :-

Let say below is the web method i am having as asmx
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
        public string GetData(int id, string name)
            string jsonData = string.Empty;
	    // var data = get data from database here;
            jsonData = Parser.EntityToJSon(data);
            return jsonData;

下面是一个jQuery ajax代码,用于调用此Web方法获取数据的ajax: -

Here below one is the jQuery ajax code for the ajax call to this web method for fetching data :-

function (){

type: POST
url: ../ WebMethods / WebService.asmx / GetData
data: {Id: + {pass ID here} + ,名称:' + {传递名称值} + '}
contentType: application / json; charset = utf-8
dataType: json
成功: function (响应){
var result =
.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "../WebMethods/WebService.asmx/GetData", data: "{Id:" + {pass ID here} + ",Name:'" + {pass name value here} + "'}", contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType: "json", success: function (response) { var result =