C# - 平移光标



I'm implementing panning of a large image in a PictureBox control, and I have no problem setting the appropriate directional pan cursors. However, I can't seem to find the image used for the origin of the pan (a circle with arrows inside of it).

我在哪里可以找到它? / p>

Where can I find it?

我认为你所看到的图片不包含在框架中。每个应用程序使用自己的光标(AFAIK)。你可以得到的最接近的是使用Cursors.SizeAll作为Hans Passant已经告诉你:

I think the image that you are looking is not included in the framework. Every app uses their own cursor for that (AFAIK). The closest you can get is using Cursors.SizeAll as Hans Passant already told you:

this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;