



删除了代码块格式 - ProgramFox [/ Edit]

OP'的附加信息来自非下面的解决方案 - Nelek




My problem is that I want a function of the form that is called the put disabled that and not how
nesesito help

Code block formatting removed - ProgramFox[/Edit]

OP''s additional information moved from non-solution below - Nelek
I want to create a function that detects that form has been called the function.
the purpose is to make a message box style form that only personalized and to not be copying the same form that the function call to a single form and this form sierre which was called

idk if I explain well and sorry for not tap to miss anes





Your English doesn''t make much sense, but I''ll take a guess at what you mean.

If you think you need to do determine the name of the form that called your method, you have a serious design flaw.

First, doing so would couple your code directly to those forms, making it impossible to modify one without breaking the other and making it impossible to use the code in other applications or situations. For example, you''re coding this method to find the name of the form class that called it, but what it you suddenly wanted to show the MessageBox from a non-Form class?? Now you''re stuck...

Second, if you have functionality in that code that needs to change, based on form that called it, you''re much better off putting that method code in the class for each form.

Now, in your code, you would not show the class name of the form to the user. If the MessageBox needs to show the name of a form, your form code could would normally call method that creates the MessageBox and pass in a user friendly name as a string.