


I need to pass the content of the input to the url of the form with only html , is this possible ?


        <li><a href="./busesFuncionando.html">Buses Funcionando</a></li>
        <form action="./busPorMatricula.html?matricula=????">

        <!-???? has to be substitute by the content of the input->

        Inserte la matricula del autobus a buscar :
            <input type="text" name="matricula"/>
            <input type="submit" value="Buscar"/>


如果将formget方法一起使用,则不必像这样设置action.只需将其设置为<form action="./busPorMatricula.html">,浏览器就会将密钥和值添加到URL.

If you are using the form with get method, you don't have to set the action like this. Just set it to <form action="./busPorMatricula.html"> and the browser will add the key and the value to the URL.

<form action="https://www.google.co.il/">
  <input type="text" name="matricula" />
  <input type="submit" value="submit" />

注意:由于*中的安全性问题,您无法在代码段中看到结果.您可以在 http://output.jsbin.com/kelocu 中看到它.提交form后,将使用URL中的键和值转到google.com.

Note: You can't see the result in the snippet because the security issues in *. You can see it in: http://output.jsbin.com/kelocu. After you submit the form you will go to google.com with the key and value in the URL.