使用 Xpath 从 XmlNode 获取元素


我正在尝试获取此 xml 提要中每个条目的标题和链接

I'm trying to get the title and link of each entry in this xml feed



Setting a breakpoint I can see that I am getting all the entries but I am getting an error when I try and get the title or link from the entry

XmlDocument rssXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
var nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(rssXmlDoc.NameTable);
nsm.AddNamespace("atom", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");

XmlNodeList entries = rssXmlDoc.SelectNodes("/atom:feed/atom:entry", nsm);

foreach (XmlNode entry in entries)
    var title = entry.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry/atom:title", nsm).InnerText;
    var link = entry.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry/atom:link", nsm).InnerText;

在 XPath 表达式中,前导 / 表示应该从 root 开始计算表达式文档的节点.这种表达式称为绝对路径表达式.你的第一个表情:

In an XPath expression, a leading / indicates that the expression should be evaluated starting from the root node of the document. This kind of expression is called an absolute path expression. Your first expression:



really should be evaluated starting from the root, but all subsequent expressions should not. An expression like




Start at the root node of the document, then look for the outermost element atom:entry, then select its child elements called atom:title.

但很明显,atom:entry 不是文档的最外层元素.

But obviously, atom:entry is not the outermost element of the document.


var title = entry.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry/atom:title", nsm).InnerText;
var link = entry.SelectSingleNode("/atom:entry/atom:link", nsm).InnerText;

var title = entry.SelectSingleNode("atom:title", nsm).InnerText;
var link = entry.SelectSingleNode("atom:link", nsm).InnerText;