

Hello All,





Hello All,
I am using a richtextbox and i need to get the caret position as number in order to use it , any idea to get the index number ??
thanks for your help

What I have tried:

i don;t find anythimg and i don't find any function in richtextbox function that return to my the index number


快速搜索 使用您的主题作为搜索词 提供30,000次点击:获取richtextbox插入位置索引编号WPF - Google搜索 [ ^ ]

几乎立即领先于MSDN: RichTextBox,得到插入符号索引。 [ ^ ]

Google is your friend: Be nice and visit him often. He can answer questions a lot more quickly than posting them here...

A very quick search using your subject as the search term gave 30,000 hits: Get richtextbox caret position index number WPF - Google Search[^]
Leading almost immediately to MSDN: RichTextBox, getting caret index.[^]

In future, please try to do at least basic research yourself, and not waste your time or ours.

你可以使用 RichTextBox.CaretPosition [ ^ ]属性,用于访问内容中插入符号的当前索引。


You can use RichTextBox.CaretPosition[^] property to access the current index of caret inside the content.

Following code was captured from MSDN,
// Create a new FlowDocument, and add 3 paragraphs.
FlowDocument flowDoc = new FlowDocument();
flowDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 1"))); 
flowDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 2"))); 
flowDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run("Paragraph 3")));
// Set the FlowDocument to be the content for a new RichTextBox.
RichTextBox rtb = new RichTextBox(flowDoc);

// Get the current caret position.
TextPointer caretPos = rtb.CaretPosition;

// Set the TextPointer to the end of the current document.
caretPos = caretPos.DocumentEnd;

// Specify the new caret position at the end of the current document.
rtb.CaretPosition = caretPos;


You can see that these are a few of the methods how you can manipulate the caret position inside the document, you can get the position, as well as set the position.