


My MongoDB database main document looks like this:

        "_id": {
            "$oid": "568ad3db59b494d4284ac191"
        "name": "Myclass",
        "items": [
            "name": "Conductive Gel",
            "internal_id": "ID00067",
            "description": "ECG Conductive Gel",
            "short_description": "ECG Conduct. Gel",
            "providers": [
                "name": "one",
                "address": ""
                "name": "two",
                "address": ""



好的,那是我收到一个应该更新其中一项(与_id匹配的项)的ajax put调用.

Ok the thing is that I am receiving an ajax put call that should update one of the items (the one that matches the _id).


exports.updateItem = function(req, res, next) { 

              classes.findOne({_id: '568ad3db59b494d4284ac19d'}, function(e,myclass){
                    if(!e) {

                        if (item._id == req.body._id) {

                            item = req.body;
                            myclass.save(function(err, doc){

                                if (err) return next(err);
                                return res.status(200).send('The item has been updated!');

                    } else {
                        res.status(500).send('Class not folund in BBDD!!');

问题是,当我执行item = req.body;时,req.body信息未映射到项目猫鼬对象中,并且数据库中的项目也未更新.我也没有任何错误.

The thing is that when I do item = req.body; the req.body info is not mapped into the item mongoose object and the item in the database is not updated. I don't get any error either.

在执行item = req.body;的那一刻,我检查了req.body和item是否具有完全相同的字段.

I have checked that req.body and item both have the exact same fields in the moment that I do the item = req.body; .


If I do item.name='whatever' , on the other hand, it works.


I've been fighting with this issue for 4 hours now without a solution...


I have also tried Mongoose's findOneAndUpdate() query without success..

如果将item分配给新值,则实际上并没有更改数组的内容. item只是对数组中元素的引用.

If you assign item to a new value you are not actually changing the content of the array. item is just a reference to the element in the array.


What you probably want is to edit the content of the array by merging the two objects item and req.body.

require('extend'); // npm install extend
extend(item, req.body);


That will actually update the value in the array which will then be saved.


However, I recommend updating the subdocument using mongoose as explained here: Mongoose find/update subdocument