php 会话在用户端是不可更改的吗?


我正在开发自己的需要用户登录的应用程序.所有用户和密码(加密)都存储在数据库中.当用户尝试登录时,它会在数据库中搜索用户名和密码.如果一切正常,那么我将 username 存储在 $_SESSION["username"] 中,用户 role(管理员、作者等)在 中>$_SESSION["role"]$_SESSION["website"] 中的用户 website (我需要存储网站,因为应用程序就像多站点" - 我的应用程序托管在客户端托管上,但管理在我的服务器上).

I am developing my own application which requires user login. All users and passwords (encrypted) are stored in a database. When a user tries to login, then it search in the database the username and password. If all is ok, then I store username in $_SESSION["username"], user role (admin, author etc) in $_SESSION["role"] and user website in $_SESSION["website"] (I need website to be stored because the application is like "multisite" - my applicaton is hosted on client hosting but the administration is on my server).

我读了这个用户可以更改值吗$_SESSION 在 PHP 中? 我不明白.这种方法在 $_SESSION 中是否安全(存储数据和用户登录)?

I read this Can a user alter the value of $_SESSION in PHP? and I don't understand. Is this method secure (of storing data and if user is logged in) in a $_SESSION?

用户可以更改会话内容吗?(例如,如果用户已登录且 $_SESSION["website"] 是",用户是否可以更改会话 $_SESSION["website"] 到"来破坏另一个网站?如果是,如何避免或会话的安全替代方法是什么?)

Can the user change the session content? (for example, if user is logged in and $_SESSION["website"] is "", can the user change the session $_SESSION["website"] to "" to ruin another website? If yes, how to avoid or what's the secure alternative of session?).

请告诉我什么是会话劫持,这会如何影响我的网站,以及如何使 session_id 动态更改?

And please tell me what is session hijacking and how can this affect my site and also, how to make session_id dinamically to change?



$_SESSION is saved in the server, so the user cannot modify it ( Except the case of session hijacking)