

var topLevel= resultRows.GroupBy(g => g["CustomerAccountType"]);


I want to select columns only like Actual1, Actual2, Actual3, etc. The names of the columns are not known upfront - they are composed dynamically.


I am not using a strongly type object because resultsRows is a constructed Dictionary from SQL cubes.

我想动态地将ActualN ... to..ActualN作为字典添加到集合中.

I want to dynamically add ActualN...to..ActualN to a collection as dictionary.

您可以使用Select进行Actual1, Actual2, Actual3的投影:

You can use Select to make a projection of Actual1, Actual2, Actual3:

var topLevel= resultRows
    .Select(d => new Dictionary<string,object> {
        {"Actual1", d["Actual1"]}
    ,   {"Actual2", d["Actual2"]}
    ,   {"Actual3", d["Actual3"]}

这将从字典中删除除Actual1, Actual2, Actual3以外的所有列.

This will remove all columns other than Actual1, Actual2, Actual3 from your dictionary.


I want Actual1 to ActualN added dynamically without knowing how many are there


// Construct this list dynamically
var selection = new List<string> {
    "Actual1", "Actual2", ..., "ActualN"
var topLevel= resultRows.Select(d => selection.ToDictionary(s => s, s => d[s]));