



I have a app and currently if you click the button 'Play' a label show's saying 'Shake to Play' the problem is I am a total beginner and I don't know how to order it so the user has to first press the button, then when the label show's, if the user shake's the label disappears. that's all I need because I have sorted out other parts of the app after that. Thanks to anyone who helps, remember I am quite new so please explain any answers :) thanks

创建BOOL类型的实例变量.称它为playIsTouched.在视图控制器的viewDidLoad方法中将其设置为NO.在处理播放"按钮的触摸的方法中,将playIsTouched设置为YES.在处理抖动的方法中,仅当playIsTouched == YES时,使标签消失.在相同的方法中,您可能需要将playIsTouched设置回NO(如果您希望用户在摇动前再次触摸按钮).

Create an instance variable of type BOOL. Call it, say, playIsTouched. Set it to NO in the view controller's viewDidLoad method. In the method that handles touches to the Play button, set playIsTouched to YES. In the method that handles shakes, make the label disappear only if playIsTouched == YES. In the same method, you may want to set playIsTouched back to NO (if you want to user to touch the button again before shaking).